Young Scholars G&T Club
Welcome to G&T Club!
This is your first serious step on a long voyage that will take you to heights that you can not imagine now.
For many of you, that voyage will bring you to outstanding Universities like Stanford University. When I was a student here, my classmates shared an interesting trait that we hope you will learn and incorporate into the fabric of your lives:
None of my classmates were particularly interested in becoming better than “the other guy”;
But all of my classmates were very interested in becoming better than themselves! They did this (in some cases without even knowing it) by learning new things.
Learning new things was a joy... whether they learned new things by succeeding or by failing, whether they learned from their professors or from their classmates, whether they learned from a child or their grandfather, they loved learned new things;
And they applied this joy of learning new things to almost all aspects of their lives--classrooms, soccer fields, skateboarding, traveling... everywhere they went, everything they did, every person they met were each viewed with wonder and a hunger to learn!
Young Scholars G&T Club is designed to help you learn this skill of enjoying learning new things. The fact that you have joined us reflects that you are ready and open to this path.
I welcome you to our club and your first serious step on a wondrous journey!
2024 国际青少年G&T天才学者俱乐部开启招募!
美国顶尖教育机构 AUP(美国大学联盟 ),专为中国学生倾力打造“G&T能力5+7实训计划”。
🎯 特色
🌞 您有三种选择:
暑假G&T天才学者集训营(封闭式 为期6天)
暑假G&T高端学者托管班(半封闭 为期2周)
青少年G&T天才学者俱乐部(线上+线下 为期一学年)
🌟 孩子的收获:
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